Loading the modules

If installation has finished, use

 $ ./load-most-modules.sh [RTAI|Xenomai]

to load all required modules. Please note that you have to supply no option if you want to use the normal Linux drivers (if you compiled the RTAI drivers and you RTAI is running, you can use the normal Linux drivers at runtime; it only registers for interrupt handling in RTAI, but the Linux drivers work the same way as they would work if compiled without RTAI support), RTAI if you use RTAI or Xenomai if you use Xenomai.

Module parameters

In this section, the module parameters are documented for each module that has parameters.


Paramter name Type Meaning and valid values Default
disable_shared_irq bool Don't support IRQ sharing if set to true FALSE

most_sync (non real-time)

Paramter name Type Meaning and valid values Default
sw_rx_buffer_size long Size of the software receive buffer in frame parts (i.e. the size of the buffer calculates to 2*number_of_bytes_per_frame*sw_rx_buffer_size) 44100
sw_tx_buffer_size long Size of the software transmit buffer in frame parts (i.e. the size of the buffer caolucates to 2*number_of_bytes_per_frame*sw_tx_buffer_size) 44100
hw_rx_buffer_size long Size of the software transmit buffer in frame parts (i.e. the size of the buffer caolucates to 2*number_of_bytes_per_frame*hw_rx_buffer_size) 44
hw_tx_buffer_size long Size of the software transmit buffer in frame parts (i.e. the size of the buffer caolucates to 2*number_of_bytes_per_frame*hw_tx_buffer_size) 44


Paramter name Type Meaning and valid values Default
playback_offset array of int Needed to configure which synchronous frame part is used for accessing the frame. It's the same as the offset member of struct frame_part used in the MOST_SYNC_SETUP_TX.
The length is always 4 bytes.
0 for each
capture_offset array of int Needed to configure which synchronous frame part is used for accessing the frame. It's the same as the offset member of struct frame_part used in the MOST_SYNC_SETUP_RX.
The length is always 4 bytes.
0 for each
index array of int Standard ALSA parameter, normally empty. See ALSA documentation. ALSA default
id array of int Standard ALSA parameter, normally empty. See ALSA documentation. ALSA default
enable array of int Standard ALSA parameter, normally empty. See ALSA documentation. ALSA default

most_sync_rt (real-time)

Paramter name Type Meaning and valid values Default
sw_rx_buffer_size long Size of the software receive buffer in frame parts (i.e. the size of the buffer calculates to 2*number_of_bytes_per_frame*sw_rx_buffer_size) 44100
sw_tx_buffer_size long Size of the software transmit buffer in frame parts (i.e. the size of the buffer caolucates to 2*number_of_bytes_per_frame*sw_tx_buffer_size) 44100
hw_rx_buffer_size long Size of the software transmit buffer in frame parts (i.e. the size of the buffer caolucates to 2*number_of_bytes_per_frame*hw_rx_buffer_size) 44
hw_tx_buffer_size long Size of the software transmit buffer in frame parts (i.e. the size of the buffer caolucates to 2*number_of_bytes_per_frame*hw_tx_buffer_size) 44

Supplying the parameters to the script

The script contains sensible defaults for all parameters which are higher than the driver default values:

Paramter name Default (NRT) Default (RT)
hw_rx_buffer_size 1000 44100
sw_rx_buffer_size 1000 44100
hw_tx_buffer_size 1000 44100
sw_tx_buffer_size 1000 44100

However, if you want to use another value, you don't have to modify the script. Just supply the parameter as enviroment. This means for example

 $ export sw_rx_buffer_size=441000
 $ ./load-most-modules.sh

if you want to use the value for more loads or simply

 $ sw_rx_buffer_size=441000 ./lost-most=modules.sh

if you want to use the value only for a single load.

Before loading, the script prints a summary where the parameters that are used for loading the modules are listed again.

Extend the script for ALSA parameters.

Generated on Fri Mar 9 14:48:58 2007 for MOST Linux Drivers (Linux and RTAI) by  doxygen 1.5.0