Testing the Driver

This document describes how to test the driver without having a NetServices license from SMSC.



  1. Load the MOST driver on both systems using
     $ cd ...../most-driver/most-kernel
     $ ./load-most-modules.sh
  2. On one system, start the synchronous transmission. This program acts as master.
     $ cd ...../most-driver/drivertest/oss/sync-tx
     $ ./sync-tx-master
    After about 5-10 seconds the system should transmit synchronous frames. Output messages will show that.
  3. On the other system, start synchronous reception. This program acts as slave.
     $ cd ...../most-driver/drivertest/oss/sync-rx
     $ ./sync-rx-slave
    After about 5-10 seconds the system should receive synchronous frames. Output will show that. The output is stored in the file output0.bin in the same directory.
  4. Now cancel both programs, starting with the receiving program by pressing Ctrl-c (or sending a SIGINT signal with kill or killall).
  5. Use the output verification script to see if the received stuff was correct. On the computer where the data was received execute:
     $ cd ...../measurements
     $ . env.sh
     $ cd ../most-driver/drivertest/sync-rx
     $ outputverify.py -sz output0.bin
  6. That's it

Generated on Fri Mar 9 14:48:58 2007 for MOST Linux Drivers (Linux and RTAI) by  doxygen 1.5.0